How fast is the USB3.0?

    USB 3.0 theoretical transfer rate up to 4.8Gbps, or 600MB per second - is the USB maximum speed of 10 times. This means that you can transmit at 40 seconds transmission a 25G HD movies. Really quickly, right?

    Unfortunately, the theoretical maximum speed is only theoretical. USB 2.0 devices rarely reach more than 50% of the maximum speed may be USB 3.0 is the same situation. A more realistic estimate, USB 3.0 will allow the transmission reach 300-400 MB per second. At this rate, it transmits the same 25GB HD movie will take 60-80 seconds.

    Of course, USB 3.0 hardware is still at an early stage, so that even maintaining of 300MB / s speed is not reached. Until now, USB 3.0 transfer speeds up to 200MB / s, when using a fast SSD cards. Although you can expect in the near future, there is much improvement.
